"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Saturday, June 15, 2013

My Two Cents: Pond's Eye Cream

New entrant: Ponds eye cream
The label says: Dual-action, radiant eyes
Price: Php 699 
(Thanks to my SM Advantage points, got this with no second thoughts plus the 20% discount) 
My two cents on the Pond's gold radiance eye cream:
1. Better packaging: The new packaging is more hygienic and easier to apply (roll-ons instead of your finger pads are used to apply the gel). Since the products are sealed in their respective containers instead of a compartmentalized jar, I believe that efficacy of the product can be preserved longer. 
In the same manner as you would have applied using your ring finger (the one with the lightest pressure), the roll-ons are gentle,too. Remembering which roll-on to use on which part of the eye may be "AA" challenging at first but I eventually got the hang of it.

Mini roll-on applicators
Left: Gold brightening gel for the under-eye
Right: White rich firming gel for the upper lid
Once upon a time, I used this.
Jar packaging: Age Miracle variant
Credits to Style Scoop (from where I grabbed this picture)
Side notes: My personal take is that the opening of the jar to get the product exposes its ingredients to external forces --- heat, moisture, humidity, dirt --- and may reduce its effectiveness over time. 
2. Any miracle?:  I have very fine lines under my eyes but no "eye bags" (yet) as of the moment. After 15 days of everyday use, there's nothing earth-shaking here. The fine lines did not miraculously vanish :) but the texture under my eyes improved. I'll give it more days and see if it will live up to its promise of "radiant eyes".
For now, no need to edit out the eye bags
Disclaimer: I am not a beauty blogger. I do not recommend or rate products per se. I only share my experiences while using them and the whole thought process behind getting, using, falling in love or hating the product. I leave the beauty blogging to the experts; in fact, I go back to their reviews from time to time though I may not necessarily agree with all of these --- What's good for her may not be necessarily good for me. I am a confessed novice in every way --- I only try to view each experience with "new eyes" and reflect some more on how beauty can be a gift that should be experienced rather than seen. So don't take my word for it --- What works for me may not necessarily work for you --- but go ahead and take that adventure! The risks we take do make our lives interesting. =)

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