"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Questions and Answers

You'll find that life is still worthwhile if you just SMILE :)
After my short, sweet, unplanned vacation to my home sweet home Iloilo, I feel SO MUCH BETTER.

It's amazing how going home (to your real home) can do wonders to one's heart, mind and soul. What a cup of coffee, a shopaholic splurge, a trip to the salon or an escapade can't remedy, the good familiar smell and feel of home can sweep away in seconds.

I went through the ordeal of an airline-wide (Zestair) flight cancellation (The cancellation was not due to bad weather but to a badly handled non-compliance with safety standards), an overnight stay at the old domestic airport, and the anxiety of waiting for a "chance" seat at a different airline before I was finally transferred to a Philippine Airlines flight bound to Iloilo (Thank you so much for accommodating us !!!). I could have chosen to avoid the whole grueling 12 hours (or more) of waiting in limbo by giving up and going back to my apartment. I could have called it quits by just refunding my tickets (although the whole refund process with most Philippine airlines has always been a hit-or-miss thing). But I didn't choose the easier path. I stuck it out and told myself: "I'll stay here and I want to see this through." After gaining back my calm and peace of mind from my short homecoming break, I realized that it was all worth it.

Some people go abroad to places like Paris or the US when they need to think things over. Some go on a retreat away from the world. In my case, I just needed a hug from Mama. And to be reminded of the simplicity of living in the moment by my eight dogs :)
Shakespeare bids: "Good night loves"
Sunlight brings in the sunshine amidst the otherwise gloomy weather
As I rested inside my room, I overheard Mama's conversation with my uncle who came home from the Saturday prayer bond. My Mama told him that I was home for the weekend and he asked her the twenty questions of "Why?", "What's the matter?", et cetera. My Mama simply told him, "Well, she may just have missed home." I smiled when I heard that. Sure, Mama's birthday was coming that Monday (August 19) and I had the perfect reason to come home. But knowing me who's supposed to plan ahead my travels and expenses, I am sure that Mama sensed and knew in her heart that this trip was never scheduled. When I sent Mama the SMS that I will be coming home that Friday, she didn't ask me "Why?" or "What's the matter?". She simply replied, "Okay, I will wait for you." And that was enough.

Sometimes, we attempt to answer our own questions hoping that this will un-complicate our lives. But can't we just let some questions pass unanswered simply because we are better off not digging through that mystery?

Life is not your Candy Crush Saga game --- a collection of escapism moments when you can make yourself believe that everything can be as easy as succeeding through a number of levels with readily available shortcuts, cheats, extra moves and lives that can help work your way through. (I do not play Candy Crush Saga. I'd rather use my free time to read, sit still or blog. But I have nothing against those who find joy in this game.)
Credits: universenumberfive.wordpress.com

Life can be a very long series of three-minute puzzles and mysteries. But I believe that we're NOT required to solve every single puzzle and mystery. We can move on if we choose to. In the coming days and perhaps sometime in the future, I may ask the same question over and over again. The only difference of coming to terms with life's mysterious puzzles is knowing that I will never know the answer to certain questions. I anticipate the love-hate relationship like a tug-of-war, and yes, a tug-of-hearts. But this time, I can say to its face like what Sarah told that Goblin King in the movie Labyrinth, "You have no power over me."  
Credits: brandymaltas.blogspot.com

Yes, Life, you can confuse and even hurt me. But I can choose to look you in the eye and not answer some questions. I am entitled to my silence. And that is my strength, and power over you --- the choice to not fall for the charm of your mystery, the choice to not be addicted to solving you and the choice to move on.

Why? What's the matter? No answers required here. I just know this time that there are tricks and cheats. I can love or hate you Life, or we can friends. But I'm done with this level. I choose to leave it that way and move forward. No questions asked.

Cheers and keep safe.

Credits: staystrongquotes.com

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