"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Gratitude in Daily Miracles

I know that someone will give me the virtual "knock-on-the-head" upon finding out that I'm writing on a sick leave day.  Sorry, but I promise that this will take only a few secs and I'll be logging out in a bit :)

My best friend, Mel, and I decided to "celebrate" the September Friday the 13th 2013 inside our favorite coffee house --- CBTL. Well, everything else seemed fine except that we realized that the world has become too loud and noisy these days. We need to stop midway our conversations because we found it hard to listen to each other. Someone was on the phone barking instructions or complaints (?). A group at the far end of the room was having the fun time of their lives, loud enough to reach us at the other end. A nearby table is just as boisterous. I'm sorry if I do sound self-righteous, but it may just be that I'm stuck in a lost generation or an estranged moment, and things have indeed changed.

And it's not only at CBTL. It seems to be that way in even the most premium or pricey dining places. If you want some peace and quiet, you may have to look very hard...(sad)... Gone were those days when I'd find my friends studying inside Starbucks. I doubt that you can do that now, unless you come in strange, less crowded hours (like maybe 2 am on a weekend?).

With most of the age-old definitions like "peace and quiet" getting rare, the good flip -side for me is that I find it easier to experience and be grateful for a miracle every day. It gives me more opportunities to be gracious and to accept other people's shortcomings. Some people and some circumstances are really unfair that they sometimes make you question the purpose of it all. Almost nine months into 2013, I realize that things may not have been as smooth-sailing as I'd hope it would be but there are tons of memories, people and miracles to be grateful for.

To someone out there who may be thinking about the "good fair life" as something that they're entitled to, I hope you can step back and see the miracles instead. These are gifts that we don't even deserve but have still been generously strewn and showered our way.

Credits: 28daysofgratitude.blogspot.com
May you take a break from the loud and noisy world to count your blessings and experience your miracles. When you look back on the different phases of your life --- from your first adventures during kindergarten to your "grown-up" challenges now, may you remember these:
  • Someone showed you the value of dedication
  • Someone took the time to explain some things which may be new to you
  • Someone patiently listened to your story and showed genuine concern
  • Someone tried to understand your reluctance and tried to help you out
  • Someone invested time and effort to help make things a bit easier
  • Someone gave you the leeway to take the lead
  • Someone held back with much restraint in pointing out your weaknesses
  • Someone reminded you that you can do it if you take it a day at a time
  • What goes around comes around and we all run in circles
  • Everything happens for a reason and every person we meet is there to teach us a lesson
  • Life is short but there is always time for courtesy
  • It's not all about you; everyone is fighting their own battles everyday
  • Faith is not a scapular that you can touch and see; faith is believing that Someone Up There has planned it way ahead of our earthly time and way beyond our earthly wisdom
  • Commitments do not end with lip service and no promise is too big or too small for you to keep
  • It's a strength to acknowledge your weaknesses and limitations
  • Someone someday may relive any of these lessons with you and hopefully by then you will not forget to say "Thank you".
Ciao dears and may these help flush all the toxins away. Keep healthy !

P.S. My Friday the 13th pic :)
Just smile away to keep the stress at bay :) (doctor's advice? :)

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