"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Sunday, March 26, 2006


Whew, t'is my first posting...
Never thought of the benefits of blogging before, but when you're starting to live the pressure cooker life, some forms of expression will do much for your emotional health, he he.
Am here at the office, on a Sunday... and at this very hour, is starting to lose my focus, so I think i need a blog-break...
Will just have to take a sec though since there are still tons of workload on queue....

Am sprinting to finish this loooong busy season and for the gazillionth time, I want to scream: I NEED A VACATION!!! Haven't taken one since my last in December 2004, and that seems like eons ago...I miss my Mom (my only family now) SOOO MUCH. I want to be back in Iloilo for weeks with only my TV schedules to worry about. I also miss my best friend Shisia and all my friends in my Iloilo circle, haven't seen them in a while...
So what I'm gonna do...is ... VOW to finish my jobs before the end of March, with only few touchups necessary come April first weeks. My deadlines all fall in March end, so I practically have no choice...Well, really have to file that leave, no matter what my directors say...and better leave them with closures on my accounts so there's no double-takes in signing/approving that leave form...okie, I'll be living out that VOW by getting back to work, now that I've gotten back some 15 % sanity, hehehe. Thanks for this blog...It takes a lot of love to stay in this job =)
Indeed...Gene falls, Gene fell and Gene's fallen...

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