"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Do you Want to Join the "Random Thoughts & Friends" Club?

...VENICE is the theme for Melody this October since she is in the "European artist" mode. Her first masterpiece -- my very own Venetian mask -- is proudly hanging over my humble bed, like a dutiful guardian. The beautiful thing also has a name --- Josephine! You have got to see HER in person, dears -- she has the intricate beadworks and all. Super-thanks and good luck Meldz, and more art pieces on the way.

...I'm into my own art project --- Art makes me happy in this dire black-&-white corporate world.

...I finished my rough "all-pencil" sketch for October 2009. The pencil attempt was supposed to be a self-portrait, but in the long run, it turned out to be the more gorgeous wishful thinking version of my self -- curly haired and flawless (since I have a really long way to go in mastering the art of shades and shadows to accurately capture wrinkles and blemishes). I posted the sketch next to "Josephine", to remind me every morning to "get up and be beautiful for today".

...I used to have a "scratch pad" to jot (i.e., quick sketch) down my random inspirations. Unfortunately, that one got soaked by Ondoy's flood, so I bought a fresh new one (which is mostly empty by now).

...Yesterday, I bought four 12"x14" canvas (already primed white), and I plan to create my own version of either the four seasons or the four elements (I remember I did a similar one about 7-9 years ago in a 1/4 illustration board with the Titanic soundtrack as inspiration (hehe, got me there; LOVE is the fifth element by the way in that teeny-bopper ''Elements' version of mine).

...Lovella is excited to see New Moon? Well, me too. Though I have some apprehensions on the casting, and I wasn't much into the second book as I was into the rest of the Twilight Saga. The teasers look promising, though I'm grounding my expectations.

...Speaking of excitement, I'm SOOO excited to go home that I couldn't help but count down the days till our flight this December...Please, I pray the days (especially the Work Days) will go much much faster...

...Shirley, when are you going home? The girls miss you dear...Hope to see you next year! I heard someone from the Circle just got married; will have to confirm that.

...I really hope I can see the light in all these grays. I wanted to be home for REAL GOOD, and I have to have a more definite plan, and a good one. So I could discuss all of this with my Boss with full conviction. May God help me on this one.

...Now on to lighter themes...

...I learned recently that waterproof mascara works better for me, since I seem to have oily eyelids, which makes whatever eye makeup I put on "travel" and "get lost" by mid-day. The catch --- I will have to start using waterproof eye makeup remover as well.

...My Burberry London is running out, probably my bottle will last me for another month. Time for a new scent?

...I bought a 4 1/2 size pair of Via Venetto (It was on sale). I'd probably wear it for short events, since the heels are quite of the "killer" kind. I tried it on for a day (est. 9AM to 8 PM), from my place to the commute, through the office, and all through an evening "sanity break" of window-shopping. While it was a challenge standing on those inches, the confidence that those won't break made all the difference. So I guess, it's all worth it. Melody even said the pair looks like it's Venice-inspired, too!

...I started eating junk food last Thursday Oct. 29 (after a really long eon of healthy eating) and since then, I committed to eat more. Probably...this is one of my desperate measures to gain some weight in time for my vacation leave (so my Mom would not think that I don't spend a penny on my sustenance, haha).

...My first junk foodie consisted of Coke zero and potato chips (in foil). Hehe, I know, need some work huh. I've started stocking on some snack items this Monday -- some Jelly Ace, chocolates, junk chips and even marshmallows.

...Last week, I scheduled 10:30 AM and 3:00 PM snack breaks every work day until March 2010, so I get prompted to EAT (yeah, how OA of me). This Tuesday (after another long weekend), I started my snack routine...and deliberately handpicked the junk chips over the health nuts from my "snack stash". It felt WICKED 'cause it's something I don't normally do, and 'cause I know I'm doing something not so goody-goody (i.e., eating junk). Although the wicked indulgence wouldn't destroy the world, I realize that it feels good to be bad from time to time.

Belated Happy Halloween!

P.S. Re: the title of this post --- It may be fun to know how many of us, bloggers, called our posts "random thoughts" at some point of our blog-life. Tally that down and we may have the Club of Clubs. Cheers :)

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