"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Monday, May 05, 2014

My Empties for April 2014

Hello May!
As I bid adieu to April, here are my empties and my usual two cents:
(1) Will I repurchase? (2) What's my best memory of the product?
Belo Anti-Perspirant Deo Spray
(1) Yes, already bought one and this time in roll-on form.
(2) There is no overpowering scent and it works.

Human Nature 100% Natural Clarifying Shampoo
(1) Yes. (2) I'm tempted to try other organic stuff but I know I will always go back to this.
Luxurious Body Lotion (part of a set with body wash and scrub)
(1) No. (2) It tends to sit on my skin which I wasn't very fond of but I loved the green tea scent.
Asian Secrets Lulur Body Scrub
(1) Yes, I already got my second tub in seaweed. (2) I have to keep it away from the bathroom as I got addicted to scrubbing myself almost everyday.

Olay Total Effects Moisturizer
(1) Yes, in another time.
(2) This is good value for money.
Disclaimer: I am not a beauty blogger. I do not recommend or rate products per se. I only share my experiences while using them and the whole thought process behind getting, using, falling in love or hating the product. I leave the beauty blogging to the experts; in fact, I go back to their reviews from time to time though I may not necessarily agree with all of these --- What's good for her may not be necessarily good for me. I am a confessed novice in every way --- I only try to view each experience with "new eyes" and reflect some more on how beauty can be a gift that should be experienced rather than seen. So don't take my word for it --- What works for me may not necessarily work for you --- but go ahead and take that adventure! The risks we take do make our lives interesting. =)

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