"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Sunday, May 03, 2015

6 Life Lessons from the Mayweather-Pacquaio Fight

My random notes at the end of the 'Battle for Greatness' or the 'Fight of the Century':

1. It's not how many punches you throw, but how many actually landed, AND/OR how many did the judges see to have actually landed.

2. Winning real life battles takes both heart and strategy BUT braveheart will only get you through the drama. You need to play by the rules and use them to your advantage to actually convince Life that you deserve winning what you're fighting for.

3. Life is unfair ---- the crowd/audience, your opponent, and the referee may be playing it fair and square...and yet there are still the judges to contend with. What buffers, allowances, and error margins are for. You practice, you learn and you anticipate.

4. No more excuses --- the wrong socks, shoulder injuries, Las Vegas advantage, even cheating. I'd bet you wouldn't say the same things if the game went in your favor. Just accept defeat in the same way that you would have basked in the glorious analysis of everything had you won that round in Life.

5. Life is not all go-go-go. Sometimes it's taking a step back, hugging to buy time. :)

6. Life is a marathon. It's not how soon you reach the finish line. It's the experience that counts, win or lose.

Credits: from an FB post by ANC 24/7

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