"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Happy 10th year of blogging!

It's been 10 years!!! Ten years of blogging!!! I was delinquent for some months or even years, I know. But can you believe it? I've been blogging for this long?

Exactly 10 years ago from this date and time, I published my first post on this blog site --- a short post with a picture of the cat that used to greet me 'good morning' (in meows, ofcourse) in my old rented room.

My posts have been a mishmash of reflections, random thoughts, travel diaries, and my two cents or full reviews on various stuff from cosmetics to books and sometimes movies...

There were random posts which became regular topics:
  • Music & Lyrics - for my personal takes on the lyrics of some songs
  • My Two Cents - for quick comments on some beauty products
  • Warm Welcome - to say hello to new additions to my daily routine, including plush friends
  • Look What I Found - for curious stuff I found in the supermarket or beauty counters, and usually those which were not on my "list"
  • Delectables - for all things food
  • Empties - which I ended by choice from the time that I made a conscious effort to stick to essentials and have lesser empties every month; the last one was posted in October 2014
  • The Saturday Agenda - for my escapades as the girl who usually unwinds on Saturdays, with some of the posts oftentimes crossing over to Facebook, and vice versa
In my earlier years, my posts had no or less pictures. These days, I feel that it's a given to put something visual in lieu of a thousand words.

There was that year when I was in San Francisco and I had such a blast. My blog posts were my only means of connecting with my closest friends. That year was before Facebook, Twitter and Instagram changed all our lives, dears.

There were years when I loathed the Manila traffic, the rat race, and pressure of urban life and the corporate world.

There was that year when I was contemplating a significant life decision --- moving back to Iloilo. On hindsight, I felt that my posts helped me prepare subconsciously for that big move.

Then there were those years when I finally moved to Iloilo. And I went on indefinite hiatus.

There was the year when fate led me back to Metro Manila, and another chapter opened. This was the same year that I retraced my steps back to blogging.

There was a year when I posted a lot about beauty and cosmetics, too much actually in one night that I got the message prompt: 'Are you a robot?'

There was also a year when most of the posts were bordering on emotional, what will now be labelled as "hugot" posts.

There were years of loss: losing material possessions in a natural disaster, finding about lost love, and losing loved ones.

There were months when I went on temporary hiatus for reasons that were hard to explain.

There were years when I was blessed to travel and when I grabbed every fast-WiFi opportunity to blog about my experiences --- new food, new finds, new friends and new destinations.

This year, another important life decision awaits. And yes, my friends, I will share this with you when the right time comes.

Happy 10th year to us all who have connected in one way or another through this blog. I hope that my posts have made you smile and helped you in small and big ways. Cheers to more adventures!

Love lots,

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