"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Monday, April 10, 2017

Hashtags 2017 ed. vol. 9


I thought I saw you today
Or maybe it was just someone who looked like you.
I wonder if you also remember me on days like this
When you see mundane reminders through someone who looks like me.

When you see someone with the same set of bags like mine
The same red coat, the same little black dress, the same pair of shoes
Does your heart skip a beat only to find out it wasn't me?
But I've changed my ensemble and some things are not the same
Not consciously to erase memories, or for reasons of that sort
I just changed...

When you see a familiar silhouette or a smile
From the crowd in your daily commute or weekend trails
Do you crane your neck to see if it was me?
Do you ever wonder if you would run into me ever again, and what would you say?

I think this city, this world, is big enough though,
Big enough for us to keep our distance from each other.
And I guess that's for the best, the safest for us.
No expectations, no closure,
Just  ellipses...

I guess there are such things as moments
That remain to be moments.
Perhaps memorable, but painfully so
Because they never ended; they were fleeting
Such as bubbles that burst like ghosts of summer
When they could have faded slowly away, more beautifully.

It was painful to watch;
It takes a lot of strength from my end
To just be present
Each time I find a piece of my everyday
Which takes me back to a memory of you
Or us, or me and you.

You had a hundred chances
But you never took any one of them
And no, you cannot take them back.
They are gone, they've passed
And lost their flutter and innocence
They've grown up and left us for good.

We were almost there
But maybe some things are not meant to be 
Maybe you blew it,
Yes, maybe I am the one that got away.

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