"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Sunday, September 01, 2013

An Open Letter to Adam, Vanilla, Cupcakes and Dear Friends

Saturday, August 31, 2013
August 2013 ended with another memorable get-together with my dearest friends.

If you saw a group of four giddy thirty-somethings at Max's and Vanilla Cupcakes - Glorietta last Saturday, please excuse our endless chatter and musings. We had a lot of catching up to do and we missed each other every time (hahaha). If some parts of our private conversations reached you, please pretend you didn't understand a thing and leave the profound stuff to us ;)
Cropping turned this snapshot into something timeless
Left to right: Marylaine, Me :), Melody and Ma. Lovella
@Max's Glorietta: The serious shot
@Max's Glorietta: The wacky shot

To: Men and Adams

You know how women (we) can spend hours dissecting and over-analyzing everything from the most complex political issues affecting the country to the most trivial sequence of email replies? 
(Adam nods <">)
Yes, we know we can be a little over-the-top with our educated guesses and logic trees. But that's how we are made (biologically and emotionally). We hope that the Adams can be a bit more understanding of our feminine wiles and how our brains are wired. And it applies both ways. We can try to be more understanding of why you can't stand shopping with us or sitting through these conversations with our girl friends (Bam! There.)

What do we talk about with the girls in our private conversations? Yes, you guessed that right. We talk about you. Sometimes. Okay, a lot.  Especially if you did something worth dissecting and hypothesizing about. Since you're not around most of the time...well...you can keep on guessing on how we got to our conclusions...(Eve winks ;) and laughs :D)

Please click 'Read more' for the rest of this 'open letter'.

Moving on...
A question popped up as I was writing this post: "Why are there arts of falling in love and letting go and no art of moving on?" No, letting go is not synonymous with moving on. At least for me. Letting go is burning that page of your journal (figuratively and/or literally) which reminds you of things better and best forgotten. At this point, you can choose to walk away or move on. Moving on is getting past those what-have-beens and being comfortable with whatever that other person will see when you look at each others' eyes. Hmm, I don't know if that helped clarify things. But let's move on, shall we?

Laine had to leave after the Max's lunch...sigh :(
But the lunch date was not enough for the girls to fully cut through the emotional slices. 
The remaining three of us trooped to the next-door bakery for our desserts and coffee.

The exterior is inviting. Sweet, very feminine and dainty. It's like a little nook from Eve's Eden. Wait till you get in...
That's Mel and Vel getting in.
Please do not miss the "Cafe" part: Vanilla Cupcake will expand its menu to include pasta and brekky dishes this September (Yay!)

If you have been my friend for at least a decade, you'd know how much I LOVE VANILLA...from scents to food...Vanilla is often used to refer to anything that's plain and simple, for example, plain vanilla financial instruments versus the more complex derivatives (That was the Work Mode Gen talking, and she's shutting down pronto :). I'm not sure why vanilla gets associated with the blue color though. But I am not complaining. Again, if you have been my friend for at least a decade, you'd know how crazy I am about BLUE !!!
My two favorite blue shades are 'Tiffany Blue' and 'Alice Blue'. I found them inside the bakery in some of the furnishings (though not in this shot).

In the next spaces after the shots, I will let you in some bits of our girl bonding conversations. The names of Eves and Adams will not be disclosed because we do not spill out secrets like that. If any Adam gets to read any of these, we hope they'd get the idea: This is how we process the events of our lives; we hope you can come up with suggested solutions to help us out when we need it :) For the Eves out there, this is just for kicks; you know the drill, right?

The brightly colored utensils with dainty flower prints are from Cath Kidston.
We were informed that these and the mugs are sourced from Hongkong.
I remember the same prints on the mobile case given by my Accounting Staff :)
Cath Kidston is an English designer and entrepreneur who humbly calls her interesting home wares and furnishings store as a "glorified junk shop" --- the cutest one, I must add. 
Eve 1: How did he ask for help?
Eve 2: Email...
Eve 1: After not talking to you for weeks, he emailed you to ask for help?! Kapal ng fez (translation: thick-faced).

Eve 1: After all those things that he did to her, she still accepts him and sees his transgression as a tiny blot on a plain white sheet. 
Eve 2: I'm sure she's okay now. She has proven that she was able to rise above it all.
Eve 1: Yes, she said, "I got into this. I will see this through." That must be what you call love.
Eve 3: No, that's what you call marriage.
My cupcake: No surprise - blueberry cheesecake (the berries are fresh and the cream is not too sweet)

We love how the coffee mugs seemed to be serendipitously assigned to us:
Blue for me, pink for Mel, and an angel-winged one for Vel
Credits to Melody Tamayo for this shot
Eve 1: Did he ask you "How are you?", "Have you eaten?", or anything about you?
Eve 2: (Silence)
Eve 3: When you sent him an SMS, did he reply?
Eve 1: How many times did you send SMS to him after that?
Eve 3: You sent him an instant message, right? Did he reply?
Eve 1: After he placed that on your desk, did he approach you?
Eve 3: Was there a note? Did he send you an SMS or an instant message?
Eve 2: (Silence)

Eve 1: I wanted to put some closure and ask him what was going on with him. Why he's so clammed up for the past few weeks?
Eve 2: And his answer was?
Eve 1: He shared with me that his friend is going through something.
Eve 2: Guy or girl friend?
Eve 1: His guy friend who was going through something with the girl friend...
Eve 3: He is worried about his guy friend's problem? (looked at Eves 1 and 2, shook her head) 
Eve 2: Why would he be worried over his guy friend's girl? Did he answer your question?
Eve 3: No, ladies, it's not his guy friend's problem. It's HIS problem.
Beautiful themes from the sofas, tables, coffee mugs, glasses and spoons, down to the very little details of cupcake frosting
Credits to Melody Tamayo for this shot
Eve 1: If you're in a relationship with your guy for X years (translation: LONG TIME), and nothing concrete is happening, what would you do?
Eve 2: Hmm, I don't know. I don't know if I can take it.

Eve 1: If you saw anything you didn't like about my boyfriend, would you tell me?
Eve 2: I should. But honestly, I probably wouldn't. It's your relationship and not mine...Unless...I caught him lying.
Eve 1: Hmm, okay. But I'm asking you now. Please tell me just in case you see something you don't like. Just in case.
Eve 2: Okay, since you asked (business translation: Noted. Will do.).

"Smile ka din." :)
Many thanks to Melody Tamayo for this shot

I will end with this quote from a well-circulated book on men and women --- Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus:
“Books can inspire you to love yourself more, but by listening to, writing out, or verbally expressing your feelings you are actually doing it.” 
We (women) do this a lot :)

Dido's "Thank you" is playing as I was ending this post. I have the fondest memories associated with this song. Thank you to my dearest friends for giving me another "best day" in my life!

Ciao! Hugs and kisses!

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