"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Delectables: Foodie Shots - Behind the Scenes

It is the last leg of the Lenten season. I am not a Roman Catholic but I opted to make use of the holiday break to reflect on things. In my faith, I believe it's a time when we fast on our excesses, spiritually and physically. While I believe that the former is the heart of it all, I understand why some of us decided on physical fasting. Usually, on food.

In my rarely quiet side of the building, I browsed through my social media accounts and found out that I've posted at least 30 food-related posts since January 2016. Does that make me guilty of food porn? 

Food porn, as defined by Wikipedia refers to "glamorized spectacular visual presentation of cooking or eating in advertisementsinfomercials, blogs, cooking shows or other visual media".

My first food post in 2016

Caption: A happy thought to say hello to 2016...Dinner with Mama...

Someday, we hopefully will reach that age when eating healthy becomes a lifestyle instead of a New Year's resolution... #positive #grateful

What actually happened: After a very challenging 2015 and my uncle's death, I thought that my Mama deserved a treat to give her a fresh and positive start in 2016.
Click to "Read more".
My shots are anything but glamorous. In fact, they are mostly random, non-professional takes on everyday and sometimes-celebratory occasions with food. Most often, with basic editing to make them look crisp and "alive" on Instagram. I confess that I was sheepish at first in taking photos of food before actually consuming them, especially if I'm with someone. Nowadays, I've gotten a bit more courage to actually stand up and take those photos from the top view perspective, not mindful of the cursory glances that I may get from nearby diners. How about you? Do you do the same thing? Or do you secretly judge that person in the neighboring table taking those food photos? 

This will not be a sermon on the mount on how we should stay "chaste" and lowly when it comes to food. After all, to each his/her own. The social media, including Instagram, have changed us in many ways. Foodstagramming (i.e., posting food photos on Instagram) is no longer limited to food bloggers or advertisers. Just about any Jane or Joe can post and caption well-framed and elegantly styled food shots. 

Caption: #missinghome #Iloilo #butterscotch (Rgies, I should get ad commission for posting this 😉)
What actually happened: I usually bring some delicacies from home for the people at work. I realized that oftentimes, I never get to taste these delicacies myself. This time, I decided to keep some for me, one flavor of each butterscotch. Wow, they actually taste good :)

Ask my closest friends on how someone as skinny as I am can love food so much to actually take the time to foodstagram these. I don't do this for every meal ofcourse. Only when the inspiration grabs me :) 

I have always been grateful for the "daily bread". Each meal is a labor of love - from each raw ingredient carefully grown, to the spices and seasonings, the heat in the kitchen endured to turn the raw into something edible and delicious, and finally the styling and plating to make these too good to eat.

We read the hash tags and see those aesthetically pleasing photos of food. We can judge and think: 'Hmm, showcasing only expensive food', 'Humblebrag', "Obsessed with food', 'She can't cook actually'. 

Or we can choose to understand. 

I believe that there is a story behind every food photo. Good and bad. And I always try to look for the good. Why bury yourself in negativity and envy when you can marvel at the beauty instead? Why not think of these things the next time your friend stop to capture close-ups of a cake slice? ...The next time you see an Instagram post of mouthwatering steak that you know costs an arm?... The next time you see someone standing up over a dinner table with her mobile phone's camera poised over artfully plated salad greens? That someone may just be celebrating something special, and wanted to capture and share that moment. Be the bigger person. Raise an invisible glass and say 'Cheers!'.

Matthew 15: 11 --- It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man.

Caption: Thanks to holiday cheers, some more for the chocolate stash... #restocked #chocoholic
What I actually thought about: Reflecting on a significant life decision

I want to share with you more stories behind some of my foodie shots. Hopefully, these will help you see and better understand what usually goes at play with these close-ups, zoom-ins and top views of food (in my case). Or at best, they will give you a good laugh. Enjoy them after the break below (please click 'Read more').

This photo was not published.
Caption for a similar photo: I've always wanted to chase the sunrise, literally and figuratively... 
Finally did it! So here's the treat for this early bird. Food for thought + African sunrise tea
What actually happened: I woke up really early to chase the sunrise, one of my 2016 goals. For some reason, being an early bird on a weekend felt really fulfilling.

Caption: Met up with Lovella for "brunch". Walked for forever, until we found this --- a husband-and-wife advocacy on organic food. #thewholesometable
What actually happened: Lovella and I wanted to be spontaneous and to pick just a random place for brunch. But for people used to analysis and logic, the brunch eventually turned into late lunch. The fresh organic ingredients of the salad made the long walk really worth it though.

Caption: The last slice: Simply Margarita --- organic tomato sauce, fresh basil and mozzarella cheese. 
🍅 tomato sauce, fresh basil and mozzarella cheese.What actually happened: We got engrossed in our catch-up that we forgot to take a picture of the entire pizza. I took a basil leaf and placed it on top of my own slice.

Caption: Be Gorgeous. That's the actual name of a smoothie. I fell for the concoction of blueberry, Chia seeds, wheatgrass, banana 🍌, honey 🍯, yogurt, almond milk and butter.
What actually happened: I've always been adventurous with food orders. Lovella didn't order any smoothie for fear that the unusual mix might upset her tummy. My 'Be Gorgeous' smoothie turned out to be really good and tasty.
Caption: Choices, choices, choices. They give LIFE the much needed twist. #carmensbest #icecream #choices
What actually happened: After almost a week of free UBER rides, I was in the best mood. I dropped by the supermarket and saw this. It's the locally made ice cream that I've always wanted to try. I didn't buy it right away though. With much EQ, I waited for special occasions to try this out --- the Chinese New Year and...
Caption: ...Because Leo finally won the bloody Oscar!!! 👏 👏 👏 🎉

#LeonardoDiCaprio #Oscars #celebrate

What actually happened: I've always been curious about this flavor since the time my best friend, Lovella shared a photo of it. At the time of this post, I was working long hours on an important proposal. That was good enough reason to give myself a treat, but I found a more perfect excuse --- Leo's Oscar. 
Caption: Lunch box today... #greens #salad #supportlocal
What actually happened: The week of this post, I've been trying to bring pack lunch to work. Instead of imported feta cheese, I made use of the local white cheese or kesong puti from Laguna.
Caption: Break the rules. Be more creative than others; have fun. 
#saladwithoutgreens #organic#bananacoffee
What actually happened: There is this old card that I've held on to, which contains the 7 "musts" in raising standards. The card was given out by Mr. Franco del Rosario (Six Sigma Philippines) in a short meaningful briefing he had with us. So far, I've had 3 posts based on this card. I aim to post for all 7 "musts".  
Caption: United Nations of Cucumbers: A Japanese, a Korean, a Lebanese and an impostor. 😜 #cucumbers #organic
What actually happened: While shopping for groceries, I found out that there are different sizes of cucumbers. I bought samples of each size and wondered if these are really representatives of the cucumbers from the countries indicated on the labels. While taking the photo, I couldn't resist including the cucumber lookalike, zucchini.
Caption: It will all work out fine.

(Cucumbers, watermelon, cherry tomatoes, kesong puti, Danish cheese, and pumpkin 🎃 seeds)

What actually happened: I thought of mixing the unusual stuff for my salad lunch. Lesson learned - consume watermelons immediately after adding to the salad; otherwise, it's gonna smell funky.

Caption: Corn 🌽, why so perfect?? Thankie@karenivy.gap.cpa for giving me healthy options!
What actually happened: One my staff, Karen Ivy, gave this to me for no particular reason. Perfect timing though, as I was famished and craving for a snack at that time.
Caption: Relax, it's Sunday.(Have you ever had those panic moments after waking up only to realize it's a weekend? #weekend #brunch
What actually happened: Weekends are usually for slow-cooked food. I cooked beef with tomato, zucchini, olives and cheese. No, I didn't have that panic moment at that time. But some days, I did.
Caption: Still on reflection mode on a Monday: Math is an absolute science. Baking is precise. "Real life is, however, very different from school sums. There is usually more than one answer. (from the Six Thinking Hats 🎩)" #reflection
What actually happened: It was one of those long weekends (Chinese New Year) and I just finished reading the Six Thinking Hats. I was having malunggay pandesal and peanut butter for brunch, from my favorite local bakery, Pan de Manila.

On hindsight,
what seemed insurmountable
turned out to be 
just a little test of faith...

What actually happened: It was a random poem-of-sorts that I composed while taking the photo. I was thinking...small...mustard seed...faith.
Caption: Something round and colorful... #gongxifatchoi
What actually happened: It was the Chinese New Year. While everyone else seemed to be feasting on hopia and tikoy, I saw these mini-donuts and thought, 'why not?'.
This photo was not published.
Caption for a similar photo: Hello weekend!!! 😊  Chicken arroz caldo was so good I wanna cry, lol. #arrozcaldo #fullrecovery#recoveryfood
What actually happened: I discovered this 24/7 foodstop that serves my comfort food, arroz caldo. I got the "full recovery" (i.e., larger) option on my first visit and the "regular" on my second. Conclusion - the "full recovery" option seems to have more meat toppings and thus, more tasty. 
Caption: There's beginner's luck and then there are days when you feel you've hit the umami jackpot. Hmmm, one of those days... #weekend #brunch
What actually happened: The caption, I believe, best describes my cooking skills. I almost always get it right the first time (e.g., Thanksgiving turkey, baking, tomato-based chicken, the Visayan 'laswa'). Then there are days when I just whip something out of the ingredients I find in the fridge and leave the rest to fate. That day, I got lucky.
This photo was not published.
Caption of a related photo:
 What is worth waking up for? #powerbreakfast #mornings
What actually happened: I'm into overnight oats for the past few weeks. I just wanted to document the ingredients for my future reference --- 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup non-dairy milk, 1/2 cup yogurt, 1 1/2 tablespoons of chia seeds, 2 tablespoons of honey, slices of fruit (favorite: banana), and sunflower seeds (or any nuts for the crunch) 
Caption: Okay, I cheated a bit. Added ice cream to my "healthy" power breakfast. Stay cool (overnight). Let's celebrate tomorrow. Hah! #icecream #powerbreakfast #cheatday#celebrate
What actually happened: I am human and prone to temptations. I dropped by the convenience store earlier that night to buy my drinking water. I found this ice cream and thought, 'hey, why not add some dessert to my oats?'.
🎶Need a little sweetness in my life Your sugar...Yes, please🎶
What actually happened: Last song syndrome was going on my head while we were having the farewell get-together for one of my co-managers, Karen.
Caption: #happynationalbreakfastday folks! Sorry A, couldn't make it today. #chiaseeds #sunflowerseeds 🎶I'm like a bird, I only fly away🎶
What actually happened: I preferred to have a full breakfast at home rather than rushing to get some freebies at McDonald's for the National Breakfast Day. All the seeds in my overnight oats reminded me of bird food. :)
Caption: I'm upset. Maybe something familiar and spicy might help. --- Tummy #sharksfin #yangchow #chili
What actually happened: One of my colleagues asked me if I was actually upset over anything. But no, literally a tummy upset happened here.
Caption: When life gives me lemons...I pause, sit back and enjoy the lemon tea. #lemons #lemonquotes #Persian #tikka
What actually happened: I went to a sandwich shop, supposedly for a quick dinner, but they didn't have any of the things I asked for. So I went to this family-owned restaurant in the next block, Persia Grill, and reunited with my favorite tikka. All by myself, I unabashedly stood up and took a picture of the table.
Caption: Cordon bleu is French for blue ribbon. This dish is said to have originated in Switzerland and usually consists of meat, cutlet and melted cheese. Add in some healthy corn-rice half-and-half and alfalfa sprouts. Tres delicieuse!! #cordonbleu #healthy #options #weekend#eats
What actually happened: Earlier that Friday, I had lunch at Sugarhouse and had a huge serving of cordon bleu. What I failed to consume, I requested for take-away. Over the weekend, this was one of the "refurbished" versions of the remains of the cordon bleu.
Caption:  In life, some bittersweet things are actually good for you. Happy Sunday! #lifequotes #brunch
What actually happened: It was another weekend cooking experiment. I concocted something from the fridge supplies --- chicken fillet, cheese, kale and alfalfa sprouts. Kale was quite on the bitter side in a good way. Thus, the quote.
Caption: "Except for briefings after lunch, CIA does not practice torture."
Author: John Alejandro King 

#justmythoughts #lunch #ladieswholunch#seafood #pasta
What actually happened: My colleague and regular lunch mate, Maris, predicted that the cafeteria will have a "blockbuster" queue at past 12 noon, so we decided to eat out. After a long study of the menu and without us planning it, we ended up with the same order --- seafood pasta. You can never go wrong with seafood.

Caption: We declared "lunch out"! #ladieswholunch
What actually happened: My colleague April, who is rarely in the office for lunch due to a full-time client assignment, came by and we decided to eat out. We were enjoying the food so much - the French onion soup and squid ink spaghetti, before I realized, 'We haven't taken a picture!'. Thus, the workaround shot of my "Good Morning Sunshine" (strawberry, mango, pineapple, banana and yogurt) smoothie and the cafe napkin, lol.
Caption: Carbs + veggies = 👌 #healthy #options #kale #alfalfa #canton
What actually happened: In respect of religions celebrating the Lenten season, I didn't want to post anything with any meat in it. I also learned from April that carbs should never be eaten with meat. Instead, it should be carbohydrates plus vegetables. While that may be hard to comply with in my case, this combo of noodles, kale and alfalfa sprouts made for perfect lunch. :)

In this "instant" and "digital" generation, I've decided to embrace social media positively. I wanted to see the bright side of instantaneous sharing of bits and pieces of our lives. It allows us to connect with the people who matter. It allows us to share the best versions of ourselves with the rest of the world. In my case, it reminds me to "edit" myself before I click the "post" and "share" buttons. For me, it's not filtering out to hide the true state of things, but more of thinking through before you broadcast a part of yourself.

Ciao dears! Enjoy the rest of the holiday break.

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