"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Look What I Found: Manapla Puto

Found this today at the Rustan's supermarket !
Manapla puto got its name from Manapla, Negros Occidental --- the place which claims to own the original recipe for these steamed rice cakes wrapped in saba banana leaves. The leaves do not only serve to keep the round shape of the puto but actually add flavor.
There are many variants of the Manapla puto and you see them everywhere in most regions of the Philippines.
Iloilo makes its own version, too (although the city is more known for the puto lanson from grated cassava).
I miss Iloilo (obviously) and finding these rice cakes made me smile =)

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