"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Trying to Eat Healthy

Hello dears! The last two weeks have been superhuman-ly busy! Finally, a brief breather weekend before I dive into the deep blue ocean again. Of work.

I lost a lot of pounds. :( And for me, that's bad news. I've been trying to keep my weight to healthy ranges for the past months. However, a series of late night work plus big doses of stress easily shed those pounds away.

In my effort to fight the un-healthy lifestyle...
  • I take some supplements (Vitamin E and some capsules for proper blood circulation).
  • I have my cup of tea before bedtime to help me get a restful sleep (even if only for a few hours). This time, I have Yogi Bedtime tea on my fridge top.
  • I try to eat organic as much as possible. 
  • On days when I cannot go on full-brown-rice, I have it half-and-half (half Japanese and half brown).
  • I buy and cook organic stuff, preferably from free-range or pasture-raised animals. They may be pricier but they taste better, in my opinion.
Looking back on my 2013 health resolutions, I believe that I'm quite well on track. I kept my fast food consumption to a minimum; that's one major achievement for me considering that an elevator trip from my work-desk down to the lobby will easily lead me to either McDonald's or Jollibee. I prefer home cooking over instant recipes, and I cook my meals on weekends. I stay away from the sugar rush of sodas and preferred my fruit shakes. 

Hmmm, I'm trying. It's not easy, especially with the fast-paced lifestyle and budget limitations. But I will continue trying, because eating healthy is always a choice :)

Stay healthy my dears!

From happy chickens, come healthy options
Half and half

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