"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Where Was I?

Where was I last March 20, 2007 ?
There is no recorded post in my blog site. Not even in my Facebook profile.

I've been asking these questions for several years now. Questions on why and how goodbyes are better said. When these randomly hit me, I tried searching online but I never got a concrete answer. Not until now. In a very strange and precise way, the answer stared back at me. 
And I believe, the answer came from you, Heavenly Father. To finally rest my restless questions...

Where was I last March 20, 2007 ? I must have been too busy wrapping up the 2006 audit after coming home from my US assignment. I may have been having those meetings with the Stock Exchange people in preparation for that much-stressed-about one-day event of the stockholders' election. I may have been on the rush to wrap everything up in time for my manager's deadline for yet another resignation target (that time, I think it was Ms. Fe's turn). All of these I'm only guessing, as I haven't chronicled anything about this particular year of my life.

After all these years, finally I found you. Or at least the answer to my question. In another serendipitous way. While the answer brought surprise and sadness at the same time, I hope you're happy where you are now. 

I'm surprised because the answer came to me only now. I'm sad because we never got to meet before March 20, 2007. Where did Fate place me? Cliche as it may sound --- We cannot understand everything in this Life but we just have to have faith in Love and God. You were both a blessing and a lesson that I will take with me until I find my true north. If I live long enough, I will look back at that year of innocence --- that phase when most things were exciting, tentative, uncertain and fresh --- and I will smile fondly at the memories.

If you could see me now, you'd see that I haven't changed much. Minutes ago, I was just googling why women cut their hair. In fact, I just had my haircut last Saturday. But no (if you would ask), this one's scheduled and there's no melodramatic background story...I think ;) You were one of the few who've seen my journey through long and short crowning glories, and still called it "beautiful". And don't you worry, I'll be okay. I still believe in the art of letting go and the art of falling in love...These may just be the lessons I have to learn all my life. The song "Thank you" (by Dido) is actually for you. Thank you for being there during that phase of my life. Those memories will forever stay with me.

For now, good bye my dear. If and when I see you, please smile. 

Credits: http://www.quotesphotos.com

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