"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Happy 7th Birthday Shakespeare!

Dearest Shakespeare,

Happy 7th birthday 🎂!!!

Look at your evolution :) You were so small when you were a puppy that you actually fit though the gate's lower railings. Remember that time when your curiosity got the better of you that your jaw got stuck in a little handle bar and the rest of the doggie squad came to your rescue?

You no longer play with bougainvillea petals and the love birds are now out of your reach. But you are still the same clingy, attention-seeking and cuddle-crazy doggie that I adore to bits. You like to follow me around in the mornings and do not care if I'm fully made up and dressed up for work as long as you get one last hug. Whenever I get home, it's an unwritten rule that you should get the first hug as well.

I know I shouldn't play favorites but you have the most hilariously sweet memories that make you so irresistible. :)

I miss you and I wish I could send you over a big bone. But for now, virtual hugs and kisses to you, Shakie, my BAE!


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