"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Hashtags 2017 ed. vol. 7

#Edinburgh #outtakes

Outtakes: A short part of a film or television programme or music recording that was removed and not included usually because it contains mistakes --- according to the Cambridge dictionary.

Do they refer to bloopers as well? Hmm, not really sure. However, I'm going to use this term to headline the photos from my Edinburgh trip that just won't fit in my Day 1 and Day 2 posts and which I felt deserve their own post :) Allow me some 'blogger license' here please :)

I know I like a backdrop when I see one. There is something about a stairway which fascinates me. First, I grew up in  a house without one and thus, I've always stared in awe at houses with second floors. Secondly, climbing one makes me feel like a princess (thank you Disney and fairy tales).

This stairway leads to the Edinburgh Castle.

Click to "Read more".

This one leads to Arthur's Seat.

At the University of Edinburgh

Nah, not much here actually. Somebody else's private stairway, hahaha!

This leads to Calton Hill, one of my favourites in Edinburgh for the best views of the city.

(Shared this #stairways series on my Instagram @genefel)

These are the kind of photos that you share with your closest friends and ask them to caption for you for laughs. So go ahead, caption these!

Who's photo-bombing who?

Traffic. Told you, I should have used the flying broomstick.

Lots of photobombers here: A boy band, a group of castle troopers, some random guy who looks like my ex (lol), and ladies not well-dressed enough for The Ball. 
Why do some people have this pose down pat? Turns out I have so much to learn to master this seemingly effortless pose (also see above #photobomber and #hedges below). Will definitely work on my #lookaway pose in my future photos, lol!!

To cap off this 'outtakes' post, I'd like to say that I have only two favourite spots so far when it comes to backdrops for my own pictures, which I only realised during this trip. Wonder what are these? The first one: #stairways --- quite obvious as this is the first hashtag in this post. The second one: #hedges :)

Hope you enjoyed my version of #Edinburgh #outtakes!
Happy weekend!

Credits: All shots (with me in the pictures) were taken by Mani; the picture with both of us in front of the castle was taken by a friendly tourist

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