"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Monday, April 13, 2009

Today is a Brand New Day

Happy Easter everyone! And thanks to the long weekend, I finally got my much needed break (though I'm still looking forward to a much longer vacation to my dear hometown - Iloilo).

Anyway, I just want to share this piece that I wrote and mulled over last Black Saturday:

This is fleeting...
This will pass...
It feels nice...for a while
But this isn't right.

So I'm setting a deadline
For goodbye.

I wish you well
Knowing we'd both go a long way from here;
If ever I run into you again
Maybe I'll be more prepared,
Maybe we could even be friends
If it feels right then.

For now,
I'm holding on to reasons
To keep me grounded;
Some facts mix well with motivation
Help me deliver
Within the timelines of oblivion...

I'm out of your league,
Out of your tradition,
We're no match in years,
Or perhaps, I couldn't just afford breaking rules,
Or probably, this is just a temporary state of bliss...

So I'll make myself believe
That this is just a phase,
Fleeting and tricky
Like magic...

So I close my eyes
Ready to miss your smiles
So the next time I remember them
I can already say:
"Well done job,
I have said goodbye."

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