"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Saturday, May 03, 2014

Delectables: La Marea's Classic Warm Brownie Cup

Here's the second stop of the team road trip: La Marea Pastry Shop
(You can read about our first stop here.)
Unfortunately, the Google map direction was a bit confusing. It took us a while to find La Marea amidst the nooks and crannies of Cebu IT Park. When we finally found it, we realized, it was just there in this place where we've been U-turning and would have screamed "I'm just right here" if it could.
Aah, life and realizing that what you were looking for was just right there all along...often ignored and just waiting to be found or re-discovered (ahem).

The shop's counter: With all the colorful cake sample designs and knick-knacks in the background

The recommended and often talked about: Classic Warm Brownie Cup

To settle everyone's expectations after reading all the raves and reviews...this is actually just what its name says: a warm brownie in a paper cup...topped with ice cream

More for the sweet tooth
The verdict: I find La Marea's classic warm brownie cup to be much similar to Casa Verde's "Lauren's Lava Cake" and the team actually loved the latter. The order when these were tried may have played a factor; usually, candidate #1 has the "one-to-beat" advantage. If La Marea wants to be memorable, it may have to try harder.


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